The FCS Legacy Circle honors our friends and neighbors who invest in the future of the Freeport Community Services by pledging to leave a gift in their will or estate plans. These gifts are part of your estate planning.
Pease join our founding Legacy Circle members:
Thomas Bull
Alan “Bo” Chesney
Joe and Genie Field
Bill and Lynn Heinz
Terry Hutchinson
Liza Moore and Arnie Macdonald
Deborah McLean
Fred and Pat Palmer
Thomas Whelan
Victoria Winters
Christy and Erik Zavasnik
Types of Planned Gifts
Bequest or Will
A bequest in your will is often the most direct way for you to make a significant contribution to Freeport Community Services. If you are interested in updating your will to include FCS as a beneficiary you may want to consult with an attorney or financial advisor.
The following language can be added to a will or state plan to create a bequest gift:
“I bequest (a specific dollar amount____ percentage or the entire residue of my estate) to Freeport Community Services, inc ( EIN:01-0332769) located at 53 Depot Street in Freeport, Maine for use where its needed most( or designate a program of your choosing.
Charitable Remainder Trusts
This type of trust provides you or other named individuals with income each year for life or a period not exceeding 20 years. At the end of the trust term, the balance in the trust goes to Freeport Community Services.
The unitrust pays you each year a variable amount based on a fixed percentage of the fair market value of the trust assets. The amount of your payments is predetermined annually. Payments increase or decrease based on the change in value of the trust.