27 Jan Spread the Love 2022
The Big Red Hearts Are Back!
FCS will be Spreading the Love in our community this February! Red heart yard signs will be available at FCS’s Thrift Shop for a suggested donation of $7. Keep an eye out for our pop-up shops in front of Visit Freeport on Main Street on 2/5 & 2/12.
Proceeds from the red hearts will support essential services and resources for New Mainers in Freeport. In addition to sharing a list of donation requests each week, FCS has set up an on-site food pantry, is helping to coordinate transportation, and responds to specific emergent needs for our newest neighbors.
Grab a sign and spread some love around our community today!
To find out more about FCS’s work with our New Mainers, you can read about it in the Forecaster.
To find out more about donating goods for our New Mainers, sign up for our News & Needs email.