We Have Reached Our Goal

We Have Reached Our Goal

We have reached our goal! We are happy to report that a generous donation from Maine Beer Company on Nov. 13 put us over the top, and we are no longer requesting funds for this year’s Thanksgiving Community Dinner.
Thank you so much also to the generous individual donors who responded to this campaign: Suzanne, Patti, Melanie & Andrew, Liza, Phyllis, Pamela, Charly, Lesa, Patricia, Tonia, Kate, Candy and Maxine!
For 20 years, Freeport has been home to a Free Community Meal on Thanksgiving Day. Please help us by donating to this year’s dinner!
Run by volunteers and funded by donations, our chefs put on a wonderful meal for our community. We rely on you to make this beloved tradition a success.
We are raising $2500 to cover the cost of the meal.
This year, we anticipate serving 300 people on Thanksgiving Day in person at the Community Center and by delivering hot meals to local homes.