14 May What it means to be a community
What does it mean to be a community?
It means that our friends, neighbors and even strangers are being helped when they need it the most.
It means that donations are freely and with a generous heart being given to the Food Pantry or for other needs.
Thanks to you, FCS has been averaging about 80-90 households each week in the pantry.
It means that businesses that are facing their own challenges still want to support.
Freeport Wild Bird Supply donates $500 to Food Pantry
Those who are retired, or not working still want to contribute time, financial or volunteer support.
“Dear FCS staff, I can’t give more financially, but what I can give is time. If I can be of help…I would be more than happy to do so.”
– FCS Volunteer and donor.
Essential, frontline workers during this time are paying it forward because they appreciate the support they are being given.
Freeport Fire Rescue donated to the Food Pantry
And the youth in our community are serving in their own way through creative, supportive projects to help.
Chickens to Kitchens: RSU5 students raised chickens to donate to local food resources as their senior project.
It’s really nice to see people care: 2 RSU5 middle school students have a GoFundMe project to raise money to purchase gift cards to local restaurants that they will then give to FCS to give out to pantry patrons.
These are just a few examples of the outpouring of support and overwhelming generosity we continue to receive over the past few weeks. I would like to personally thank each one of you for supporting Freeport Community Services, our staff and the resilient clients we serve.
Your response to address the critical need, time and again, is a continued reminder of how grateful and proud that FCS is to be able to continue to serve our communities of Freeport and Pownal.
If we have learned anything during this pandemic, it is the good in people. It’s seeing creative ideas to help and that our community doesn’t need to be asked. YOU simply have and continue to believe in the community and in each other. And we are grateful that we are a part of it. While there are still challenges and difficult times ahead, the resilience and the generosity bring hope for a brighter future. I am sure no doubt you, as well as we, at FCS, see what the true meaning of community is; support, hope, and caring and friendships.
We’ll continue to be here to serve all who need help.
In the meantime, we remain committed to the communities we serve. If you need assistance for essential services contact Sarah Lundin, Director of Programs at 865-3985 x 205 or slundin@fcsmaine.org
For general information or questions, feel free to contact us at 864-3985 and we’ll connect you to a staff member that may be able to help.
You can also keep up to date on our website and Facebook page.
We say it often, but it continues to be true! Our work wouldn’t be possible without your support! Thank you for all you do and please stay safe and healthy!
Paula Paladino, M.A.
Executive Director